Young girl aged nine years , presented with tender lower end of right femur : 4 months duration. Swelling observed since 15 days .
Clinical possibilities
- Osteomyelitis
- Osteogenic Sarcoma
Preoperative Imaging
Heterogeneous mass arising from distal metaphysis of the right femur with a soft tissue component
Preoperative needle biopsy
High grade Osteogenic sarcoma with a chondroblastic differentiation .
FDG avid sclerotic lesion involving distal meta diaphysis of the right femur with parosteal reaction extending to the soft tissue with hypo dense area within the lesion
Size 6.7 cm * 8.9cm * 12.3cm ( AP*T*CC ) SUV max 11.5
Joint space uninvolved
No skip lesion
Retroperitoneal nodes reactive
No lung nodules
Preoperative Diagnosis
No metastatic osteogenic sarcoma
Preoperative CTRT
DePuy total femur replacement
FWB + Knee ROM abduction pillow + Deroration boot for 6 weeks + sitting up till 60 degree

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DePuy Limb Preservation systems